My Ministry: Drought relief in South Queensland

Group with the Warwick Community Van.

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Recently, our home group decided to “go country” to encourage churches affected by drought and bushfire.

During the Big Camp (South Queensland Conference) drought relief concert we heard about the current needs of people living in country areas in South Queensland. Not content to only give money to the cause, we contacted Pastor Trevor Mawer (Stanthorpe and Warwick churches) to see what else was needed and to organise a weekend visit. Prayer, praise and practical support became our goal for the weekend.

With God’s help we were able to pray with people, sing praise to God with a special item by Veronica Rowe in Stanthorpe church, and offer practical support to people in Stanthorpe and Warwick by delivering water, Weet-Bix and toiletries. It was inspiring to see God’s love in action in these communities and we appreciated a visit to the new Warwick Community Van on the way home. There was also answered prayer and plenty of thanksgiving with rain falling in the area on the weekend.

As is often the case, we received a lot more than we were able to give. For example, we live in suburban Brisbane and had been praying for an opportunity for our horse-loving daughter to ride more. While in Stanthorpe, one of the ladies at church spontaneously offered for our daughter to come and ride horses with her on our next visit.

Then there was the warm and generous country hospitality of Sabbath potluck lunch that was offered with abundant food and inspiring testimonies that lifted up Jesus and the great things that He is doing.

It was wonderful to meet so many people who love Jesus and serve faithfully in their communities. We will continue to “go country” on a regular basis in future and look forward to spending more time with our new country friends.

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