"It's fantastic to see the Church get behind this project, but we still have a window to order more [before Papua New Guinea for Christ in May]," says Pastor Wayne Boehm. "We'd love your support."
Tag: Adventist media
New York Cinematography Awards is a monthly international film competition, which judges winners according to quality of filmmaking, creativity and storytelling ability.
The three new employees will expand the reach of Adventist media ministries like Mums At The Table, Signs of the Times and literature evangelism, among many others.
After more than three years of planning, the "God of Hope" art exhibition is now open to the public.
A culmination of years of vision casting, the "God of Hope" art exhibition will officially open at Sydney Adventist Hospital on December 12.
The "phenomenal success" of Mums At The Table magazine has resulted in the introduction of a subsidised annual subscription fee ($A15 for six issues).
Adventist Media is offering supporters the opportunity to make tax-deductible donations to support the production of film and print ministry resources as the 2018–2019 financial year closes.
Signs of the Times' new "Community Connection" 5-Star Project will reduce the annual cost of Signs magazine from $26 to $20 for those involved in community projects.
Literature evangelism leaders met to discuss the need for continued support of colporteur ministry.
Maryellen Fairfax will take on the assistant editor role vacated by Maritza Brunt, who has gone on maternity leave.