Tag: adventist history
Two university students are helping younger generations to discover a fresh perspective on the life and impact of Mrs White.
In the early 1950s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church navigated the challenges of post-war mission work in the Pacific Islands. The expansion of Adventist communities during this period was marked by severe weather, geographic hurdles and unforgettable "romantic cruises under tropic skies."
One of the oldest churches in Australia recently celebrated 130 years of commitment to mission.
Between 1940-1945, Adventist Record it not only charts the changing tides of World War II, but also documents the challenges, faith and resilience of Adventists during this tumultuous period.
Witness the courage and resilience of Adventists during global turmoil in 1935-1940. Read about their experiences, decisions and sacrifices, demonstrating an unselfish spirit in the face of adversity.
The history of Seventh-day Adventism's relationship with fundamentalism is explored in two recently published books. Regardless of the viewpoint, it is clear that the Church's approach to fundamentalism has shaped Adventist faith and life in many ways.
Bethany Home transformed the lives of many released female prisoners and “the fallen”.
With a passion for history, David Jones is relishing his new role as heritage director for the South Pacific Division.
Kasterita Hospital operated from the 1950s until 2014 at Inus on the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, reflecting the Adventist health message and promoting healthful living.