The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Australia is gearing up for this year’s ADRA Appeal, which it hopes will raise $A1 million for those in need.
Tag: adra
"The kingdom of heaven demands seeing with new eyes and in new ways," writes Nathan Brown.
Generous donors fell just short of ADRA Australia's $A1 million target for the end of financial year appeal.
ADRA Australia CEO Mark Webster is moving the position of regional director for ADRA Asia.
Presbyterian minister Tallis Obed Moses has made his first public appearance as president of Vanuatu by visiting an Adventist church.
Following a 14-year partnership with Mongolia, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia will now turn its attention to the countries of Laos and Timor-Leste.
In a time of such unprecedented need, it is imperative that we stand united, not in hate and fear, but in love and compassion, to work together to end human suffering around the world.
Seventh-day Adventists were among the hundreds who gathered for fellowship, breakfast and prayer at the annual Sydney Prayer Breakfast on Friday morning.
Adventist schools in Australia stand to benefit significantly from this week's Federal Budget.
ADRA has delivered a two-month supply of Weet-Bix to 14,301 school children from cyclone-hit communities in Ra Province, Fiji.