Sixty-seven students and one teacher have been baptised at Adventist schools across the Trans Pacific Union Mission recently.
Category: News
South Pacific Education director Dr David McClintock visited the school during Adventist Education Week.
The South Australian Conference constituency meeting allowed constituents to discuss and vote on important conference business as well as the administration for the next four years.
The volunteer team ran eight clinics across five islands, treating 276 patients from 40 different villages and communities.
Retired ministers from all over Australia gathered for the first Veterans of the Cross conference, where they participated in a variety of activities.
The free pop-up food pantry has generated significant community interest.
After a three-year break due to COVID-19, SQC members gathered to fellowship and worship together at Big Camp.
More than 50 students were baptised during evangelistic meetings held in Adventist schools from August 7 to 20.
Hope Clinic in Suva, Fiji, was awarded a certificate of recognition on Monday by the World Health Organization for its tobacco control efforts and the personalised services provided for people addicted to smoking.