The 10-day series began in Adelaide and finished in Melbourne with a concert by royal wedding singer Paul Lee.
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Recent devastating fires and storms have impacted at least 31 Adventist sites in Australia. Find out which sites have been affected.
The group helped her to clean and move house, and provided her with emotional support at a difficult time.
"It's fantastic to see the Church get behind this project, but we still have a window to order more [before Papua New Guinea for Christ in May]," says Pastor Wayne Boehm. "We'd love your support."
Youth from the Trans Pacific Union Mission have learned how to read their Bibles, prepare sermons, conduct cell-phone evangelism and disciple families.
"We are holding onto our faith in God. We have certainly seen His hand at work as this case has unfolded."
More than 400 women from across Sydney dressed in white for the event, standing united against domestic violence.
Submerged in 1.2 metres of water, the whole site—including low-lying cabins and facilities—is now covered in 100 millimetres of mud and debris.
"A lot of people were really challenged to simplify their life so they can spend time to hear and connect with God," said first-time attendee Lucy Dessington.
Organised by the Greater Sydney Conference, the event focused on mobilising local church groups to pray intentionally, fervently and regularly.