Adventist education graduate Dr Kristian Stefani was one of the four millennials chosen to share at the event on how a Christian education impacted his life.
Category: News
Pastor Kenneth Fuliese is the first president of American Samoa in its new status as a mission.
ADRA has provided emergency funding and food support to hundreds of Fijians as the number of cases of COVID-19 community transmission continues to escalate.
Addington Samoan Seventh-day Adventist Church has become the first Pacific church in New Zealand to complete the Complete Health Improvement Program.
Government recognises the role of a non-state actor in the setting up of family care centres within Vanuatu.
Florence Peters is the daughter of Dolly Bonson, known as the "little black princess" in the classic novel.
More than 600 young adults were equipped to make disciples during a week-long camp meeting.
At the recent AUC Executive Committee meeting, the committee decided to expand on the 2015 AUC Constituency Meeting resolution on women in pastoral ministry.
The weekly Mums At The Table TV show, will stop broadcasting on commercial free-to-air television in Australia from July 2021. The change is in line with Mums At The Table's strategic goal of connecting with an increasingly digitally-focused audience through partnering with local Adventist churches.
A total of 55,000 books were printed to be distributed in May, with conferences ordering a second print run of 18,000 books.