Alumni of Avondale not only registered in record numbers but also proved adept at using new technology to connect with classmates at another online Homecoming.
Category: News
Adventists are being encouraged to join a special day of prayer this Sabbath focusing on the health of our countries.
Over 190 delegates from around Australia converged online, on August 29 and 30, to receive reports from conferences and departmental directors and vote on items that will guide the AUC over the next quinquennium.
In a week of health emphasis, several activities were conducted bringing health awareness to PAU faculty, students and surrounding communities.
The country has been hit hard by the Delta variant of the virus with hundreds of deaths including 20 Seventh-day Adventists.
A fire destroyed two classrooms and two science labs at Tenakoga Adventist High School overnight.
The students were impressed with the reach of their evangelism efforts using online platforms.
A children’s TV program launched by Adventist Media Australia in response to the 2020 lockdowns is now broadcast in more than 70 countries worldwide.
Three Avondale ministry and theology students are helping hoops fan and minister Raymon Paletua create safe places for children, and in doing so build the reputation of the Seventh-day Adventists as being community-minded.
Among the 51 people that were baptised on Sabbath, August 21, were a United Church deacon, a Bahai follower and a murderer.