There have been days when I’ve questioned my calling, wanted to give up or change course. Not just days but whole months or seasons.
Category: Faith
Are you finding balance amidst parenthood chaos? Discover a mother's journey through life's seasons, cherishing moments with family and nurturing a connection with God.
A small rural church in Gippsland, Victoria, answered the call to support projects in the Solomon Islands Mission.
The history of Seventh-day Adventism's relationship with fundamentalism is explored in two recently published books. Regardless of the viewpoint, it is clear that the Church's approach to fundamentalism has shaped Adventist faith and life in many ways.
Prince Charles has waited over 70 years to take the throne and become King. But what will his reign be like? From his controversial name to his polarising public image, the world has much to deliberate before the first British monarch to be crowned in the 21st century takes his place.
Many of us have been hurt by people representing the church and unfortunately, that will continue to happen until Jesus returns.
In 1931 a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck the eastern coast of North New Zealand. Of the 200 Adventist members located in the Hawkes Bay area, there was one death and multiple miraculous escapes.
Second-year theology student Dorcas Lynia Kateekee shares her story of finding her calling in ministry.
Vital characteristics every leader needs to succeed.