Don’t stop believing

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I’ve probably told you this before but as a young boy I used to love reading missionary stories on a Sabbath afternoon. I’d curl up on the couch or on my bed and immerse myself in the adventure and danger faced by those whose convictions called them to leave everything that was comfortable to share the good news of Jesus.

The stories were one ingredient in my fledgling faith that caused me to commit to God by saying, “Whatever You want me to do with my life, I’ll do it.” In my private prayers I would often follow the statement with “Just lead me/show me, what that is.” 

For a kid who had absolutely no idea what to do with my life, I was trusting that God would map out my path, help me to find something I could do; not just to keep me busy but for His purpose.

As the end of high school neared, I became more anxious for the future. I clung to the promise of God that He would show me a way forward in my life. And He did. 

Looking back, I truly believe God led me through the big decisions with compassion and care. I gained the entry mark for my second university preference but not quite my first. I received a scholarship to study at Avondale. I then received credit for my first year at state university, so I only had two years left for my degree.

Since then, God has kept leading me through highs and lows, both personal and career. Just because I’ve been on a path I’ve felt is following His purpose in my life doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced seasons of doubt and difficulty along the way.

There have been days when I’ve questioned my calling, wanted to give up or change course. Not just days but whole months or seasons. But He’s always guided me through. And even at times when He’s seemed largely silent, I’ve found the strength to continue by trusting His leading in the past. In those times, I’ve clung to what He’s done, remembering that I wouldn’t be where I am without Him. 

Eventually, when the season passes and things change, I can see His hand in hindsight. 

I’m still amazed that I get to work on Adventist Record to serve the Church and tell the stories of what God is doing around the South Pacific. My 16 years here is a small part of the 125 years of history and the legacy of this faithful publication. Looking back I can see God’s hand at work through the Church and the Record over the 125 years. As I’ve been reading back through old issues, seeing global challenges like the Spanish flu, world wars, heartache and hardship for our missionaries and more, I’ve been struck by the spirit of optimism and encouragement; the sense that these people, these voices from the past, were convicted that they were led by God and following His calling. That they remembered the things He had done in the past even in the worst of times and were hopeful for a brighter future. 

Change is inevitable. It happens to all of us. But through 125 years, Record has remained right next to you. There have been changes over time. Some have been necessary, some have been exciting, some have been painful. And that’s just in my time at Record. We’ve adjusted our name, changed locations, added new platforms and updated our bios, but we’re still committed to telling your stories of what God is doing in the South Pacific Division. Mission is in our DNA and we can’t stop telling the stories. 

May 6 is the Record offering (I’ll resist the urge to make a pun). As we celebrate this milestone, we’re so thankful for God and His leading. God’s hand has been clear in my life and the life of this magazine. 

But we’re also thankful for you. The church. Those who fill our pages with colour, life and love. Consider supporting us in keeping this amazing legacy going.

And keep reading, keep writing, keep thinking and keep believing.

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