Thirty-seven people were baptised, with many more taking a stand to follow Christ.
Category: Community
More than 49 projects—at a cost of $A2.6 million—have been implemented during the present crisis.
When his children showed keen interest in an adult prophecy masterclass, Sven Ostring decided to create a program that makes Bible prophecy fun for kids!
Pastor Shaun Hepworth and Bible worker Albert Peter spotted a need in the community of Bourke—so, they opened a second-hand furniture store.
The Adventist Church Online Network is continuing to equip local churches to create intentional and impactful online experiences.
Lockdowns, social distancing and hygiene requirements didn't stop people attending Morata 1's two-week evangelistic meeting.
#weRtheCHURCH is back next Friday night (August 28, AEDT) and this time the program will be live!
Have you noticed someone stop attending church lately? Keep them connected them with Adventist Record . . .
Gateway Adventist Centre is making waves across Melbourne thanks to their powerful online presence.
Although COVID-19 has meant challenges for many charities, Bonnells Bay church plant have found a way to continue to serve their community.