Sanitarium Group has released a new historical documentary ahead of its 123rd birthday on April 27.
Author: Record Staff
Officers from the Australian Defence Force have rallied to support Operation Food For Life.
Local churches and conferences are encouraged to help promote the campaign and spread hope.
Residents of an Adventist aged care facility in Victoria were among the first Australians to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.
If you're expecting, you should consider this list of biblical baby names that are totally trendy in 2021.
Greater Sydney Conference will sell their conference office building, after their plans to redevelop the site have had to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
Funafuti Adventist Primary School in Tuvalu welcomed the nation's leader on February 12.
The fight between Facebook and the Australian government has seen Facebook ban all Australian news from the site, including Adventist Media's publications.
Passing away suddenly on January 31, Andrew Chen worked as LAC's business manager for 17 years.
Adventist HealthCare Limited has recently undertaken a thorough review of the organisation to enable it to pursue its vision in a more effective way.