Author: Melody Tan

Mums At The Table is helping to address the cost-of-living crisis through a new initiative that tackles environmental waste at the same time.
Mums were able to relax and enjoy a delicious breakfast while others participated in special photography sessions.
We connect with God when it hurts by not even trying to find God.
Local Mums At The Table groups in Victoria, New South Wales and New Zealand organised special Mother’s Day events to connect with mums in their community.
Are you finding balance amidst parenthood chaos? Discover a mother's journey through life's seasons, cherishing moments with family and nurturing a connection with God.
For many of the moderators, the weekend workshop was the first time they fully understood they were part of an Australia- and New Zealand-wide project.
And how to get them to listen without resorting to shouting.
The weekly Mums At The Table TV show, will stop broadcasting on commercial free-to-air television in Australia from July 2021. The change is in line with Mums At The Table's strategic goal of connecting with an increasingly digitally-focused audience through partnering with local Adventist churches.
With so many people stuck at home, many mums in the community are feeling the need to connect.