Hope Adventist School originally began as the Bundaberg Seventh-day School in 1983. The land was purchased by the Bundaberg Seventh-day Adventist Church members who raised money through various projects, including growing watermelon crops.
Author: Juliana Muniz
Kelvin Wood, current business manager for North New South Wales Conference Adventist schools, was appointed new Tasmanian Conference CFO.
NNSW prayer coordinator Charissa Torossian said she was excited to see the number of young people in attendance this year.
Created by Abide Family Ministry for Hope Channel, The Rescue utilises animation and puppetry to simplify Christian teachings and the story of redemption for children with little or no biblical literacy.
Organised by the TPUM ministerial association and stewardship department, the convention drew people from various regions in the Pacific, including Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, American Samoa, Niue, Nauru, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Vanuatu, with the biggest delegation of 110 coming from Solomon Islands.
Almost four years ago, classical musician Jacqueline Ward’s world seemed to be falling apart.
Pastor Hiro Itchner was appointed new president following a decision by Pastor Roger Tetuanui to retire after 13 years in the role.
The one-day online free event will feature insights from leading digital evangelists.
Unprecedented church growth across Papua New Guinea has led to an explosion of new church attendees and more than 6000 new branch churches, causing a shortage of trained pastors, leaders and resources for retaining new members.
Based in a predominantly Indigenous town (61.4 per cent), Brewarrina church is offering programs and support to meet the community's needs.