I can’t help but consider the seasons we all go through. Some feel abundant, whereas others feel dry, barren and devoid of life.
Author: Jesse Herford

What if true power isn’t in strength but in serving others—would you still want it?
Cold, grey Palmy taught me the value of the Christian life lived quietly with dignity and beauty.
Most of the imagery we associate with heaven comes from our own imaginations.
If I were to ask you to reconstruct the series of decisions that changed a simple order of tea to a decadent slice of cheesecake and indulgent hot chocolate, would you be able to?
Pastor Jesse answers questions every month in Signs of the Times magazine and on TikTok.
Every new generation has had to wrestle with Scripture to make sense of current cultural concerns.
Even followers of Jesus like you and I sometimes allow ourselves to misplace our trust from the things eternal to the things that are fleeting.
If we believe that we are all descendants of Noah, then we must also believe that each person, regardless of race or culture, is a long-lost brother or sister.
Prince Charles has waited over 70 years to take the throne and become King. But what will his reign be like? From his controversial name to his polarising public image, the world has much to deliberate before the first British monarch to be crowned in the 21st century takes his place.