Mr Ross Bishop and Mrs Cas Goodchild have retired from teaching after 79 years in the Adventist Education system between them.
Author: Jarrod Stackelroth

Is it just because you love eating haystacks and having Saturdays off? Or is there something more . . .
Low occupancy rates and increased competition force Adventist retirement village to close.
A new perspective doesn't change the landscape, just your view of it. Experience and viewpoint are great ways to find a new perspective.
As the year draws to a close, Adventist Record editor Jarrod Stackelroth reflects on some of the highlights that defined 2017.
Office workers from Central Papua Conference used their end of year celebration to disciple the people of Fisherman Island.
Delegates from around the South Pacific Division gathered in Wahroonga, New South Wales, for annual executive meetings and talked through the big issues facing the Church in this region.
There are people living next door and across the street who are in desperate need of help and hope.
The Adventist Church is in trouble.
Retaining young people in the Seventh-day Adventist Church was the focus of a special tour organised by the South New Zealand Conference.