Pastor Glenn Townend suggests the way we perceive Jesus affects how we view salvation and how we live out our beliefs.
Author: Glenn Townend
What does the rest of the world Church think of the South Pacific Division?
Pastor Glenn Townend offers a snapshot of the community work taking place in the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference and Trans Pacific Union Mission.
Pastor Glenn Townend highlights a key difference between Eastern and biblical meditations.
"[The Church is] a very redemptive community who lacks compassion." Pastor Glenn Townend reflects on this confronting thought.
Pastor Glenn Townend reflects on the most significant Easter song ever written.
How a sparrow and a dragonfly helped Pastor Glenn Townend develop an important habit.
Pastor Glenn Townend shares some examples of the Church in the South Pacific at its finest.
Cultural and denominational differences aside, followers of Christ are followers of Christ. Pastor Glenn Townend reflects on the power of Jesus to bring people—even strangers—together.