What my mum taught me to see, hear and love 

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Late last year my mum Elma (86) unexpectedly passed away. Mothers really do have a powerful impact and enduring influence in our lives. At her funeral service I shared about what my mum has taught me to see, hear and love.

Firstly, my mum showed me how to keep my eyes on the big picture of God’s purposes. About 20 years ago on a tour of Washington DC (where I was privately adding my own commentary to the official tour guide commentary), I pointed out to Mum the Ford Theatre where President Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated. Her response: “What beautiful flowers!” I had been so transfixed on the building that held historical significance that I had not noticed the flowers that had drawn my mum’s admiration. She had been attending to God’s living creation while I was reliving death. I saw the past; she, the present. As I have reflected on Mum’s life, I realise that whatever she had to face—including being widowed at 49 years old—she had an unwavering ability to see God’s goodness and His purposes. She was able to see and accept God’s greater plan.

Secondly, my mother instilled within me a love for Samoan music. This wonderful genre enabled my ears to hear God’s voice in a unique way. Growing up, Mum loved playing Samoan music, both spiritual and secular, in the kitchen of our home in West Auckland. As I grew, I came to understand that the tunes, rhythms and lyrics in songs such as, O Iesu o le Vine Moni (“Jesus the True Vine”) exemplified the integration of Samoan language, culture and Christian faith that is foundational to my identity. Samoan songs continue to strike a special chord in the arrangement of my faith soundtrack as an Aotearoa-Samoan follower of Jesus Christ.

My third story is about Mum’s heart. She absolutely lived to give. She was incredibly generous. When I would prepare to visit my family in the United States, Mum would ask me to fill a suitcase with Weet-Bix and Whittakers peanut slabs! In the early years, I thought it was for her and my brother’s family but I soon discovered that she loved to share her favourite NZ foods with her friends and family. Mum’s generosity and kindness were characteristics I witnessed throughout her life. She would give away everything she had, including what was special to her, to bless others. I’m still learning to see, hear and love, like Mum. 

I hope my sharing resonates with you in some way, and I pray that you will continue to see, hear and love God in new ways this year.

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