So Good breakfast for inmates

Healthy breakfast of Weet-Bix and So Good. (Credit: Vanuatu Mission of Seventh-day Adventists Facebook page)

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Vanuatu Mission and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency Vanuatu worked together to provide a healthy breakfast to inmates of a correctional centre in Port Vila.

Thirty-seven inmates from the medium to high-risk centre were served Weet-Bix and So Good milk, sponsored by Sanitarium Health Food Company in Australia.

Along with the food, staff gave talks on the importance of a healthy breakfast and introduced different ways to study the Bible and The Desire of Ages. Each inmate and officer working at the centre was given a copy of the books.

The program concluded with the inmates singing songs with their guitars and Pastor Max Senembe praying over them.

Inmates and prison staff received Bibles and copies of The Desire of Ages.
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