First anniversary of specialist assessment unit

Taking the time to give thanks for the Medical Assessment Unit's first anniversary.

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Sydney Adventist Hospital held a spiritual blessing to mark the first anniversary of the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU).

The MAU is designed to fast-track definitive diagnosis and treatment plans for patients from emergency care. The MAU model of care benefits patients through faster clinical assessment and rapid diagnostics—all within the first 24 hours.

More than 1700 patients have been cared for by the staff in the MAU since it opened last year with 10 beds in Gee Ward. Earlier this month the number of beds was doubled to 20.

Clinical director of the unit, Dr Auriel Jameson, reflected on the past 12 months, expressing her deep gratitude for the efforts of nursing unit manager of Gee Ward, Emily Stephenson, the nursing team, the doctors, nurses, pharmacists and all staff who have made the unit a success.

The official proceedings concluded with a prayer delivered by chaplain Kym Cross.

“We come before You today with hearts full of gratitude for the team of nurses and allied staff who tirelessly serve and care for others on Gee Ward,” Mrs Cross said.

“Thank You for their compassionate hearts, skilful hands and selfless dedication.

“We lift them up to You and ask for strength, wisdom and protection over each of them and their families. Continue to bring healing and comfort to those they care for, those who come through these doors,” she said.

Following the blessing, attendees enjoyed a light morning tea.

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