My journey with PNG for Christ

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Participating in the PNG for Christ evangelism program has been a life-changing experience, highlighting the strong faith and dedication of the people of Papua New Guinea. Their commitment to the work of God is truly inspiring.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this journey has been seeing the resilience of the people. Rain or shine they came to the evangelistic meetings. It was common to see individuals and families braving heavy rain, showing their deep hunger for the Word of God. Many travelled long distances to be part of the program. In a region with challenging transportation, some walk for miles, undeterred by the journey. Their willingness to go to such lengths shows how important it is for them to hear the Word of God.

Prayer has been the cornerstone of the PNG for Christ program. The local churches have spent countless hours praying for the success of the evangelistic efforts. Their fervent prayers have created a strong spiritual foundation, inviting God’s presence and blessing on every part of the program. This collective prayer effort has not only strengthened the program but also deepened the spiritual lives of everyone involved.

The PNG for Christ evangelism program is more than just a series of events: it is a living testament to the power of faith and the strength of our Adventist community. The commitment of the people, their willingness to face challenges and their relentless prayer support have been key in advancing God’s work in this country. 

Reflecting on my involvement, I am profoundly moved and inspired by their example. Their dedication reminds me of the power of faith in action and the incredible things that can be achieved when God’s people are united in the mission of God.

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