New wellness hub to join the fight against NCDs in Fiji

The new hub will serve the residents of Narewa, Sikituru and Yavusania.

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Narewa Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fiji opened its new 10,000 Toes Wellness Hub on February 18. The hub will serve residents of Narewa, Sikituru and Yavusania by providing free health screenings for the early detection of diabetes and other chronic diseases, as well as promoting whole-person health through its lifestyle intervention programs.   

With around 80 per cent of deaths in Fiji now caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the 10,000 Toes Campaign has the vision to expand its current 40+ hubs to more than 100 Wellness Hubs in Fiji by mid-2025. “That terrible trend can be changed with lifestyle changes,” said 10,000 Toes Campaign coordinator Pamela Townend. 

“There is much to be done, but we have a faithful band of 10,000 Toes ambassadors striving to empower individuals, families and workplaces to take control of their health and lifestyle. We desire for healthier, happier and more resilient communities,” Mrs Townend added.  

At the opening event, South Pacific Division president Pastor Glenn Townend said the new hub was a result of the “God-given wisdom and commitment of church members towards healthy living and lifestyle medicine”. 

The event was also attended by Trans Pacific Union Mission president Maveni Kaufononga, Fiji Mission president Nasoni Lutunaliwa, ministers and church members in the Nadi district.

“This initiative is bringing change to communities all around the South Pacific and we invite you to partner with us by donating to a Wellness Hub, purchasing merchandise or signing up to our quarterly newsletter,” said Mrs Townend. 

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