“Putting God first” was the theme of a recent week of spiritual emphasis at Kukudu Adventist College in Solomon Islands.
Trans Pacific Union Mission associate education director Mele Vaihola led the program, helping and encouraging the students with their Bible studies. Each student received a World Changers Bible from the South Pacific Division.
Ms Vaihola said the week helped to lift the morale of both students and teachers.

“The students were so happy and excited to receive the Bibles and couldn’t wait to use them for their next Bible study,” Ms Vaihola said.
“Students already have their own small cell groups of prayer morning and afternoon. The teachers have their own Bible study group every Friday after vespers and staff spouses also have their own Bible study group once a month.”
Kukudu Adventist College is a boarding school in the Western Province of Solomon Islands. There are 433 students—17 per cent are from other faith backgrounds or no faith background.