Church members in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, were revived as they recommitted to put God first in their lives after a successful week-long stewardship seminar in September, presented by General Conference associate stewardship director Dr Hiskia Missah at Pacific Adventist University (PAU).
Following the world-church stewardship theme “God First”, the evening seminar was attended by students, faculty, staff and local church members from the city. Nightly presentations included topics such as “God the Greatest”, “God the Most Loving”, “God the Most Just”, “God the Most Righteous”, “God the Most Powerful” and “God the Most Holy”.
The young people and school children expressed great delight in the mix of simple illustrations, amazing facts and humour in the presentations. More than 20 young men and women made commitments for Christ as appeals were made at the end of the nightly sermons.

Dr Missah, a native from nearby Indonesia, was overwhelmed by the commitment of God’s people in PNG. Still recovering from a major stroke some months back, Dr Missah believed the Lord sustained him during the trip, despite several attacks during the evenings from the enemy.
A two-day training for ministers and church leaders was also conducted at Hohola church. Topics covered included the use of tithes, church mission and administration as outlined in scripture, Ellen G White’s Counsels on Stewardship and the General Conference’s Working Policy.

PNG Union stewardship director Pastor Robert Jonathan expressed heartfelt thanks to Dr Missah for his commitment in coming to PNG despite his health. A special mention was made of the collaboration of ideas between the hosting Central Papua Conference (CPC) and New Britain New Ireland Mission (NBNI) in terms of church growth and attaining Conference status. Several lay members from NBNI attended the Conference alongside their Stewardship Director Pastor Lua Bobore.
The evening sermons were captured on media through partnership with PAU-based production company Kingsmen. These sermons were also live-streamed on CPC’s Facebook page, “Central Papua Adventist”. With the boosted Facebook advertisement, the nightly sermons reached an audience of 49,000 and had over 8,000 post engagements within the country and around the world.
On the closing evening, a DVD containing all sermons was produced, dedicated and passed onto the Dr Missah for the General Conference archives.
Dr Missah, who will be retiring at the coming 2020 Indianapolis General Conference session, thanked the church in PNG for their faithfulness to God. He departed with the closing sentiments that “he has a very special place in his heart for God’s people in PNG.”
Pastor Robert Jonathan is PNG Union Mission stewardship director.