The Trans Pacific Union Mission Discipleship Ministry team enjoyed a weekend of learning and bonding during their DMT retreat from February 4 to 6.
Despite a tumultuous academic year, Fulton Adventist College held its graduation on November 21 and saw 163 students celebrate the completion of their tertiary studies.
The online event was part of a Division-wide initiative to pray for the health of our countries in the South Pacific.
With the newly refurbished building, the bookshop can now provide a more enjoyable shopping experience to the people of Western Province, Choiseul, and Short-lands Islands
Despite church closures and cancelled events, SPD recorded its highest baptism number in 2020 and was the only world region to experience significant growth.
2020 has been an eventful year for the Adventist Church. Let's look back on what we've endured and some of the major events.
Reports trended positively, with attendees encouraged by the success of mission work in the TPUM over the past quinquennium.
Approximately 16 per cent of the prison population in Fiji are Seventh-day Adventists, and the Fiji Mission is working to reduce this number by providing rehabilitation services.
Every baptism, I see more people joining the army of God. I am excited about it. What are you excited about?
Despite restrictions and setbacks, the Fiji Mission has celebrated a fruitful harvest of its young people.