Hudson's winning entry, “Norfolk Star Trails”, showcases the beauty of the night sky through an intricate star trail composition created from 50 images.
Tag: Sabbath Gift
The new book focuses on the wellbeing aspects of Sabbath and invites readers to take the Sabbath Challenge, a four-week experiment with Sabbath-keeping.
Students from Adventist schools across Australia have showcased their creative talents in a competition inspired by the Sabbath.
Students are being encouraged to unleash their creativity, with the chance to win cash prizes in a competition that celebrates the joy of the Sabbath.
The initiative is entering a new phase as it shares the joy of the Sabbath with the general community.
The promotion will continue throughout July, featuring four live online events open to the general public.
"Sabbath Gift" is an opportunity to share the joy and beauty of the Sabbath with our friends, families and the general community.