In launching the two journals, Fulton hopes to stimulate more research and academic endeavour.
Tag: Ronald Stone
Tongan Adventists from around North America travelled to witness the King and Queen's visit to Adventist institutions. The Tongan royals hope to bring Adventist health principles back to Tonga for the health of their people.
The event, organised by Fulton's vice-chancellor Dr Ronald Stone, emphasised the important relationship between education, community and faith.
Young people from across Samoa and Tokelau Mission gathered at the church headquarters in Lalovaea for a youth congress held from December 14 to 18.
Adventist Record editor Jarrod Stackelroth ran a two-day workshop at Fulton, teaching students how to improve their writing skills, write newsworthy articles and the positive power of sharing one’s personal story.
After 43 years of service in Adventist Education, South Pacific Division (SPD) education director Dr David McClintock has announced his retirement at the end of this year. New appointments followed.
A mass baptism of 30 students was conducted at Fulton Adventist University College on June 4 thanks to Bible studies and a week of prayer.
The much-debated legal case involving Vatuvonu Seventh-day Adventist College is set to go before the highest court in Fiji.
Youth from the Trans Pacific Union Mission have learned how to read their Bibles, prepare sermons, conduct cell-phone evangelism and disciple families.
A new approach to evangelism is putting ministry back where it's supposed to be—in the hands of local church members.