Tag: resurrection
Ten symbols from the Bible to reflect on the true meaning of Easter.
The longest post resurrection narrative in the Gospels, Emmaus reveals one of the most important encounters with Jesus in the New Testament.
"The Christian Church has mostly reduced Christ’s ministry to one of dying to placate an angry God bent on punishing the sinners. According to this limited view, the death of Christ was payment on behalf of sinners; providing God with the legal right to forgive sins, past, present and future. More seriously, it damages the doctrine of grace."
SPD president Pastor Glenn Townend says Easter 1973 is one he'll never forget.
"I Have a Future" is a statement of confidence and expectation that our lives and choices matter beyond the certainties and uncertainties of life and death, loss and hope.
There have been some amazing comeback stories, from Michael Jordan to Robert Downey Jr. But they all fade in comparison to what Jesus did . . . and will do again.
"It was the worst of times, it was the best of times . . ." Judy Fua reflects on the events and emotions surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection.