Tag: Papua New Guinea
Emmanuelito (Lito) Ligsay is being remembered as a caring and supportive worker.
With the theme "Reaching the unreached", the outreach involved health checks, treating patients and providing assistance at four mobile clinics.
More than 700 students received certificates after completing Bible correspondence courses at the Discover Bible School in Homu, Eastern Highlands Simbu Mission in PNG.
Welcome songs, parades, gift presentations, site visits, meals, sermons and speeches were part of South Pacific Division president Pastor Glenn Townend's busy schedule during a recent visit to the Western Highlands Mission in Papua New Guinea.
Volunteers In Action is sponsoring two Volunteers from Kiunga Adventist Church (PNG) to reach the large and divided Yogom tribe, which is based along the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border.
SPD president Pastor Glenn Townend visited four small groups in PNG and encouraged them to keep growing and making disciples.
The church plant is a direct result of of outreach by local churches on the west coast of New Ireland Province.
Otto and his friends frequently went out drinking and when there wasn’t any alcohol available, they would strain petrol and drink it.