The old dream, but the young vision. Dr Brad Kemp discusses what it's like to do ministry with young people.
Tag: mission
Relationships are being built, people are studying the Bible and baptisms are taking place within this often overlooked and misunderstood community.
A look back at the people behind the building—and success—of Boliu Adventist Hospital.
The Baileys are not only passionate about cultivating high-quality produce, but also about making genuine, close connections with customers.
Jarrod Stackelroth explains why Adventists are in danger of winning arguments but losing hearts.
A look back at Pastor Arthur Jacobson's life of service.
When his children showed keen interest in an adult prophecy masterclass, Sven Ostring decided to create a program that makes Bible prophecy fun for kids!
A comprehensive interview with new Avondale University College president and vice-chancellor Professor Kevin Petrie.
The pastor/doctor team were pioneers of Adventist mission in Solomon Islands and Australia.
Dr Brad Kemp explains why a "Pentecost experience" is the key to the church's work of mission.