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Tag: mission
Jarrod Stackelroth explains why Adventists are in danger of winning arguments but losing hearts.
A look back at Pastor Arthur Jacobson's life of service.
When his children showed keen interest in an adult prophecy masterclass, Sven Ostring decided to create a program that makes Bible prophecy fun for kids!
A comprehensive interview with new Avondale University College president and vice-chancellor Professor Kevin Petrie.
The pastor/doctor team were pioneers of Adventist mission in Solomon Islands and Australia.
Dr Brad Kemp explains why a "Pentecost experience" is the key to the church's work of mission.
A gripping tale of adventure, tragedy and transformation.
Everyone is invited to be part of this special Sabbath, which will be like no other in the history of the SPD.
Dr Brad Kemp looks at the state of the world through the lens of Matthew 24.