Professor Ray Roennfeldt opens up about the higher education provider's mission and research agenda.
Tag: mission
Ancient Egyptian history is now accessible in schools across Australia, courtesy of the King Tut Roadshow.
A new podcast series launched this past Sunday will showcase Avondale academics’ greater vision for mission and research.
How an organisation run by only two people is changing thousands of lives across the South Pacific islands.
A week of spiritual emphasis held at Avondale College has seen 10 students requesting baptism and nearly 30 students committing their lives to service.
Charged with the task of "being the sermon", the young people took food parcels, balloons, flowers, cards and 1001 iced cupcakes to hospitals, fire and police stations, ambulance departments, playgrounds, and residents of Pascoe Park.
Faith FM has extended its coverage in South Australia, establishing a station on Kangaroo Island.
Seventh-day Adventist young people from the Buimo Road Adventist Church were among several thousand young Adventists who participated in Global Youth Day activities on March 16.
The training is part of an overall push by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Papua New Guinea to equip local pastors with technological and communication skills.
Daniel Kuberek looks back at his first camporee and reflects on why Pathfinders is so important in shaping the Church’s future leaders.