Three gifts argue over their worth, only to discover the greatest gift of all—a baby named Jesus.
Tag: Jesus’ birth
Discover how Ellen White's advice on Christmas balances joy, giving, and a deeper focus on Christ.
With children in costumes and a real baby, the program reflected on the real meaning of Christmas.
When we become too fixated on the law, we can miss the calling and leading of God in our lives.
Among the various characters in the story of the birth of Jesus, I have a soft spot for the magi. I have imagined them as learned men who don’t fit with the more provincial characters in Jerusalem, but who are puzzled and disappointed by the unwitting ignorance and self-interested plotting they encounter.
Nathan Brown's latest work dispels the myths and discards the fake and the fables of the Nativity, while substituting in the Real Jesus.
A Christmas message from South Pacific Division president Pastor Glenn Townend.