Tag: faith
A simple prayer of dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony were performed by General Conference President Pastor Ted Wilson after he addressed the students in the campus church.
Did you know that remembering God can also be a cause of trouble?
The apostle Paul gifted the recipients of his letters with memories that were always encouraging and sometimes confronting.
We have a permanent place waiting for us where we will belong for all of eternity.
If I were to ask you to reconstruct the series of decisions that changed a simple order of tea to a decadent slice of cheesecake and indulgent hot chocolate, would you be able to?
Exploring the path not taken in ministry and how important it is to listen and act on God’s call for our lives.
The simple truth is there really is power in a praying woman!
God calls all of us to follow Him and yet only a relatively small percentage of our people are called to full-time pastoral ministry.
Almost four years ago, classical musician Jacqueline Ward’s world seemed to be falling apart.