Three leaders from Adventist Media visited the Papua New Guinea Union Mission headquarters last week to discuss existing projects and to look at new opportunities in media and communications.
Tag: Brad Kemp
When sharing about Jesus, we need to be careful not to use language that is quite simply foreign.
The 2022 Literature Ministry Summit included training and workshops, praise services, team-building activities, and networking sessions.
Grace is not about you and how good or bad you are. It’s about Jesus and what He has done. And that is something worth sharing.
The weekly Mums At The Table TV show, will stop broadcasting on commercial free-to-air television in Australia from July 2021. The change is in line with Mums At The Table's strategic goal of connecting with an increasingly digitally-focused audience through partnering with local Adventist churches.
Brenton Lowe will be taking up the newly created position at Adventist Media in Wahroonga, NSW, in a bid to revitalise literature ministry.
The South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has announced “bold plans” to expand literature ministry in Australia and New Zealand.
Pastor Eddie Tupa'i has been named president of the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference. His replacement at the North New Zealand Conference is Pastor Ben Timothy.
Dr Brad Kemp has overseen the growth of Hope Channel New Zealand and will now lead Adventist Media.
The remarkable story of a man who was baptised the first morning he set foot in an Adventist church.