Participants engaged in meaningful discussions, shared their experiences and explored innovative approaches to spiritual care.
Tag: Adventist HealthCare
Staff at Sydney Adventist Hospital "turned pink" on October 24 in recognition of breast cancer awareness month.
For the seventh consecutive year, the San's Integrated Cancer Centre has ranked first among metropolitan New South Wales hospitals.
Across the board the healthcare sector is facing some of the most difficult operating conditions in living memory.
Sydney Adventist Hospital has been acknowledged for its quality of care for stroke patients.
From 9/11's brutal impact to confronting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the South Pacific, 2000-2005 were years of challenges. Amid global tragedies, the Church provided hope, innovative healthcare and community support.
Entrusted with a mission, staff at Adventist HealthCare exemplify "Christianity in action," using every interaction to impact lives, showing that small acts can plant seeds of hope and healing.
Leaders reflected on the San's achievements over the past financial year and looked at the priorities for the year ahead.
The San has once again been ranked in the Newsweek World's Best Specialised Hospitals survey for oncology, while also being ranked for the first time for cardiology.
How did the San get through an enormously challenging two years of COVID-19, help NSW with its response and still achieve a lot of outstanding work together?