Twenty years on, Robert Patton reminisces on seeing God's hand in the small details as he raced to facilitate ADRA's immediate response to the Boxing Day Tsunami.
Tag: Adventist Development and Relief Agency
ADRA has distributed more than 2000 litres of water, hygiene kits, dignity kits and menstrual hygiene kits to support those impacted.
The ADRA training was attended by about 15 existing and aspiring cocoa farmers.
Participants left with practical skills and insights that will benefit their communities during emergencies.
ADRA's “Keeping Girls Safe” program offers safety, education and the promise of a brighter future.
The sanitation facilities include separate toilets and showers for boys and girls and were implemented through the Turn on the Tap (TOTT) project.
ADRA participated in World Food Day celebrations held recently in Solomon Islands.
ADRA received two awards at the 2024 Conference of the Council for International Development, held earlier this month in New Zealand.
ADRA Fiji has been recognised for its dedication to advancing gender equality and enhancing resilience in disaster risk reduction.
Vanuatu Mission and ADRA Vanuatu served up a healthy breakfast to inmates of a Port Vila correctional centre.