The event featured workshops, worship and social activities.
Category: News
Pastor Hiro Itchner was appointed new president following a decision by Pastor Roger Tetuanui to retire after 13 years in the role.
The one-day online free event will feature insights from leading digital evangelists.
Unprecedented church growth across Papua New Guinea has led to an explosion of new church attendees and more than 6000 new branch churches, causing a shortage of trained pastors, leaders and resources for retaining new members.
The new AUC website provides Bible study resources and other elements to attract members of the public to learn more about the Adventist Church.
Dr Pratt said he is looking forward to seeing significant synergy between his current work in Australia and his new post at the Global Mission centre.
“ADRA is committed to continue being the hands and feet of Jesus and demonstrating justice, compassion and love throughout its work for decades to come!”
An internationally-recognised Avondale academic appears in this year’s Australia Day Honours List “for significant service to nursing, particularly infection prevention and control.”
Based in a predominantly Indigenous town (61.4 per cent), Brewarrina church is offering programs and support to meet the community's needs.
Despite weather disruptions, Betikama Adventist College in the Solomon Islands celebrated its 75th anniversary with several events from November 9 to 12.