Launched by GSC children’s and Sabbath school director Pastor Daron Pratt at the GSC Big Camp on May 26, the Faith Builders App provides daily devotionals and ideas on how to help children grow spiritually.
Category: News
When 10,000 Toes coordinator Pam Townend reflects on the highlights of the PNG mega health clinic, her thoughts immediately gravitate towards a particular elderly gentleman who needed cataract surgery.
Manuel Papake should not be alive right now after he was electrocuted while hanging a PNG for Christ banner.
PAU and Vanuatu Mission leaders signed a Memorandum of Understanding on April 24 at the university's Koiari Park campus.
Winners of this year's Primary Schools Health Resource Competition will receive $A1000 cash prizes.
The partnership between the SPD and SSD aligns with the broader Mission Refocus initiative announced by the General Conference in 2022 to reignite the Church’s commitment to worldwide evangelism and outreach.
A representative from the Seventh-day Adventist Church is among faith leaders who have expressed “deep concerns” to the Australian Government regarding the potential ramifications on religious education institutions of proposed legislation.
A simple prayer of dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony were performed by General Conference President Pastor Ted Wilson after he addressed the students in the campus church.
Enhancing the students' nutrient intake is not only good for their health but is also expected to help improve their academic performance.
General Conference president Pastor Ted Wilson travelled to Minj, Jiwaka Provence, where he will be preaching for the PNG for Christ campaign.