“This book is so simple and yet shows so powerfully that every follower can lead others to Jesus in a friendly environment,” says Pastor Victor Kulakov.
Category: News
"Looking Beyond" was the theme of the week, with hundreds of students, teachers and members of the wider community participating in the programs.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has responded to recent adjustments to the child protection framework in some Australian states.
The facilities remain on high alert as they focus on keeping residents and staff safe.
Pastor Robbie Berghan is excited to be working with the team on building an intentional strategy to nurture the listener in their journey with Christ.
Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists from around the South Pacific were connected in a special way through the #weRtheCHURCH program on Friday night (August 28).
Approximately 16 per cent of the prison population in Fiji are Seventh-day Adventists, and the Fiji Mission is working to reduce this number by providing rehabilitation services.
First online-only format broadens reach of annual alumni gathering.
Thirty-seven people were baptised, with many more taking a stand to follow Christ.
More than 49 projects—at a cost of $A2.6 million—have been implemented during the present crisis.