What does the parable of the Ten Virgins and graffiti have in common? Pastor and graffiti artist Tulaga Aiolupotea explains.
Category: Faith
Dr John Skrzypaszek explores the neglected focus of her prophetic role.
Should Seventh-day Adventists visit the cinema? And why are we still talking about it?
A great lesson from a story in which a man possessed by demons meets Jesus.
I am a gardener and a woman. As I stand at the edge of the garden bed and all the other work spaces in my life, I make a decision with this prayer: "Lord, I determine to grow. Do your work in me and through me".
Despite a year ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, members have shown faithfulness in returning their tithes and offerings.
Jack Kumiye comes from an area with a history of tribal hatred and violence. He is now a disciple of God. Here is his inspiring testimony.
“I try to take what I learn in my Christian life into my AA life, and from my AA life into my Christian life.”
Dr David Thiele explores the origin and meanings of the word hope.
Glenn Townend reflects on the sacrifices made by one of the most significant Englishmen of all time to have the Scriptures translated for the world.