Does God hide? Isaiah would answer "yes". He asserts, “Truly you are a God who has been hiding, the God and Saviour of Israel” (Isaiah 45:15). How would you answer?
Category: Faith
As Christians, we should all strive to have a good reputation. Otherwise, how are we to successfully do the work God commissioned us to do?
Will people believe God is loving and just and keep His commandments and remain faithful to Jesus or follow their own path or that of the majority?
Moses chose the word create to describe how God made the world in Genesis 1:1, rendered bara (pronounced ba-RAH)1 in Hebrew. The verb occurs about 50 times in the Old Testament.
Jesus our Lord and Master left an example for us to follow when He prayed for His persecutors while hanging on the cross writhing in anguish and pain.
There is nothing wrong with exploring our response to grace and it is healthy to respond and look for ways to engage and live our faith, faithful to the call of our King.
It is not inappropriate for human beings to have moments of self-doubt, to squirm when we’re convicted of our sinfulness. In that state of embryonic helplessness God can birth us to new possibilities.
As AUC president Pastor Terry Johson was travelling the long journey home from the 61st General Conference Session, he reflected on our world wide church and our 22 million baptised brothers and sisters in 214 countries.