Category: Faith

It can be easy to fall into thinking that God is SO BIG with so much going on, that He couldn’t possibly notice the little things in each of our lives. Whilst it’s true that He is almighty and all powerful, He also knows it all and cares for it all. Our God is in charge of the heavens and earth but also cared about a small girl who lost her teddy bear. 
A fallen angel who seduced humanity to join him in rebellion and misery, with death the tragic consequence vs the “Defeater of Death” who humbled Himself and carried the cross. Two absolute opposites.
Among the various characters in the story of the birth of Jesus, I have a soft spot for the magi. I have imagined them as learned men who don’t fit with the more provincial characters in Jerusalem, but who are puzzled and disappointed by the unwitting ignorance and self-interested plotting they encounter.