Are we really experiencing the fullness of life that Jesus offers?
Category: Faith
Many places claim to be the site of Jesus' tomb. But at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. After all, He won't be there.
It seemed like the most embarrassing day of his life, but now it is one James Standish hopes to relive, after the ultimate victory day.
"Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever" (Charles Lamb). It's not good to be a fool. Or is it?
Camping in the Blue Mountains, Vania Chew thought she was prepared for everything . . . then she was asked to jump off a cliff.
Connaître Jésus ou avoir des connaissances sur lui? Dans notre cheminement sur terre en tant que disciple du Christ, quel est notre plus grande aspiration?
Almost 500 people, mostly youth, were baptised recently in Ethiopia by a team from Perth All Nations church plants (WA).