The Adventist Church is in trouble.
Category: Faith
The might of men isn't found in muscles; it comes from the Almighty.
"The best days of the Reformation lie ahead," writes Dr Barry Harker.
Seventh-day Adventists have long been part of the ongoing reformation, adopting contemporary methods to share new-found truth. But are we still reformers today?
Never underestimate the power of lowliness.
Do we still believe in "the Bible and the Bible only" as the rule of faith?
"Corporately, universally, we don’t need a reformation," writes Adventist Record editor Jarrod Stackelroth. "We need a resistance movement. We need a revolution."
There is joy and purpose in knowing—really knowing—Jesus. Max Zaccias reflects (in both Tok Pisin and English).
One is blind, the other is wheelchair-bound. Yet nothing will stop these two brothers from serving their God.
Is your home a place where you simply live, eat and sleep? Or is it a "kingdom house"?