To stop the millennial exodus, we as a church need to stop and listen to them.
Category: Community
Almost 500 people, mostly youth, were baptised recently in Ethiopia by a team from Perth All Nations church plants (WA).
Shark Tank was an opportunity for young people from around the North NSW Conference to receive some funding towards their service projects.
How God turned unspeakable tragedy into the ultimate triumph in Inglewood, Queensland.
Employees of Papua New Guinea’s largest palm oil producer are responding positively to the addition of Hope Channel on their internal company TV network.
How local churches are making an impact in New Zealand communities.
Springwood Seventh-day Adventist Church (Qld) celebrated the end of 2016 with a Gala Event, celebrating the achievements of various church members.
Has the Advent movement become the Advent institution?
A new monthly service to be held in the Sydney Adventist Hospital chapel will share and celebrate inspiring personal and biblical stories of rejuvenation and restoration to health.