She’s the tuck shop mum who became school principal. Yet this story is more reminiscent of a biblical tale than a fairytale.
Category: Community
Beyond the comfort and safety of our own bubbles are people seeking connection and friendship.
Members of Nauru Seventh-day Adventist Church finally have a building in which to worship.
New pastoral services manager Gilbert Cangy shares his vision.
What does Colgate lasagne have in common with the Seventh-day Adventist Church? A lot more than you might think . . .
The small moments in mission—and in life—are just as valid as the large ones.
While it may seem ideal, a country declaring itself a Christian nation comes with a number of serious issues.
The health message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—the “right arm” of the gospel—is getting a much-needed booster shot as part of an innovative new strategy designed to meet the needs of communities throughout the South Pacific Division.
The only way you can grow your church is to keep first-time visitors and regular members coming back.
More than 2500 people attended the first major health expo held in the Papua New Guinea Union Mission.