Morobe Mission had much to celebrate following the recent Mission 18 evangelistic series.
Category: Community
A church in Sydney has launched a new ministry specifically to help church members.
Congratulations to Kempsey Adventist School, which has a student team heading to China.
Almost 200 people have requested Bible studies following a health evangelistic program held in Aenalaema village, on the outskirts of Honiara, Solomon Islands, in May.
How the Bible's trauma narrative affects the way we do church.
Three special birthdays are making 2018 a big year for Sanitarium!
The chicken dance and a healthy food mufti day were among the fun activities.
Pastor Brad Kemp sheds some light on a significant problem in our churches: "people blindness".
When Josh Gonzalez realised he was 25 kilos overweight, he decided it was time to start a health journey.