In light of COVID-19, the team at Adventist Record have received multiple inquiries regarding the continuing distribution of the print magazine. Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Category: Community
An Adventist family have contracted the virus, bringing the national total to 42 cases.
Jared Martin encourages parents to prioritise kids' Sabbath school while in isolation, because no influence "comes remotely close to matching the influence of parents on the religious faith and practices of youth".
Hacksaw Ridge is among the 12 hope-filled Christian films that are being offered as part of the festival.
Greater Sydney youth director Pastor Simon Gigliotti gives some sage advice for coping in troublesome times.
If you're struggling to juggle family life, home schooling, work and staying healthy in social isolation, Edyta and Darius Jankiewicz provide some very useful ideas to help you thrive.
Sabbath is a defining belief and practice of what it means to be Seventh-day Adventist. But what Sabbath looks like—how we "keep the Sabbath"—is not so straightforward.
"In your anger—[and self-isolation]—do not sin.”
Three Avondale theology alumni found that distance was no barrier to read the whole Bible together in 90 days.
"We can't all go to every hurting place on the planet. But we can care enough to listen to the stories of those who have."