"Beware of harking back to what you once were when God wants you to be something you have never been."
Category: Community
Two new technology systems have been adopted to assist people with poor hearing.
Michelangelo Wegner, owner of Elite Chiropractic in Randwick (eastern NSW), was selected because of the help he's provided to essential workers and people in financial hardship.
In his spare time, school teacher Steven Masu walks along the Ramu River sharing Jesus with local communities.
There was a building but no Adventist congregation—until now.
How two retired pastors and a former Sanitarium engineer got an old mission station engine fired up again.
"Wellbeing Bags" were assembled by residents to remind staff members to take care of themselves.
"As Christians, it's our duty to respond to cries for help and, with these mums, it's in the simplest way possible: Being a friend," says Melody Tan, project manager of Mums At The Table.
Final-year theology student Justin Kundalin reflects on the ministry opportunity he has received thanks to COVID-19.