Allowing the effects of nature to aid in the healing process was a driving force when designing The Retreat.
Category: Community
After a long season of isolation and gathering limitations, Summer Camps across Australia brought some relief to hundreds of restrained juniors and teenagers.
After nearly four years of planning, design and building, Southland Adventist Christian School, in Invercargill, New Zealand, was officially opened on February 6.
The weekly livestream has reached 155 countries and each video averages around 70,000 views a week.
The Gold Coast Christian College team were competing with 17,000 schools, whittled down to 45.
Passing away suddenly on January 31, Andrew Chen worked as LAC's business manager for 17 years.
A short story about what two children learned from lockdown in New Zealand.
Is it too much of a stretch to understand enough about television or music to be able to offer a Christian perspective on the space?
One year since the 2019-2020 bushfire season ravaged the Australian landscape. Today we take a look at ADRA's response to alleviate the impact on farming communities.
The spirit of Total Member Involvement continues to ignite the people of Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea.